Q&A with Veda

We recently talked with a new Saint Louis Sudbury School student! Veda is 13 years old and is from Fort Worth, Texas. She likes music and art and has attended Montessori and Sudbury model schools before coming to St. Louis.

You've attended a Sudbury model school in Texas. Why did you choose a Sudbury model school instead of a conventional school?
Because I didn't like the curriculum, the way I was taught, or the lack of freedom I had. I chose Sudbury because I can do what I want when I want to do it and not be judged for the choices I make.

Why do you think Sudbury model schools are important? What can students get out of a Sudbury experience?
I think Sudbury Schools are important because they teach people how to be creative and don't put unnecessary stress on kids.

How have you changed since attending Sudbury model schools?
Since I started going to Sudbury I’ve become more confident, social, and have developed hobbies I had zero interest in when I was in public school.

What do you think of Saint Louis Sudbury School so far and how is it different from the Sudbury model school you attended in Texas?
Saint Louis Sudbury School has been really good so far and there are a few things that stick out that are very different such as: opening and closing hours and the amount of students. I prefer this amount of students when it comes to chores or anything mandatory because its just easier, but with more students I feel there’s more opportunity for different things.

What do you say to people who are suspicious of self-directed education? (e.g. "How on earth will kids learn anything?!")
When someone asks how I'm learning anything (typically family) I usually respond with: “I learn whatever I want, whenever I want.” If they don’t understand I'll briefly explain the Sudbury model. It is common for people to “disagree” with the way I'm taught, but it doesn’t bother me.