SATURDAY, JAN 25, 2025
1 TO 4 PM

Is school avoidance a regular part of your family’s life? Are you seeing your child lose their love for learning? Are you looking for an alternative to the endless race of grades, homework, and focus on the future without living the present? Do you question what conventional schools call “soft skills” (communication, decision making, adaptability, critical thinking, conflict resolution, self-awareness, empathy, etc…) and that maybe such skills are “real life skills” that are essential to being a happy human in our world? Do you trust your child to practice independence?

Join us for an Open House on Saturday, January 25! Drop in anytime between 1 and 4 pm, enjoy an art activity, and chat with Saint Louis Sudbury School students, parents, staff, volunteers, and board members at our beautiful space inside Intersect Arts Center. Connect, ask questions, share experiences, and hang out!

Our school is based on the principle that we are born curious and learn best when we initiate our own learning. We offer fully child-led education for students age 5-18. Saint Louis Sudbury School students learn what they want, when they want, with whom they want, for as long as they want, to the depth of their interests, in the way that best suits them. With no coercive curriculum, homework, grades, or tests, Sudbury students have the freedom, space, and time to pursue their interests, discover who they are, and develop meaningful communication skills. All of this freedom to learn and to be is bounded by a structure where youth and adults work together to run the school.

At Saint Louis Sudbury School, we prioritize young people’s well being, happiness, and ability to adapt to a changing world. We accept new enrollments year round.

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let us know that you’re coming!

Saint Louis Sudbury School MOMENTS