2 TO 4:30 PM
Join us for this fun and exciting gaming experience at Saint Louis Sudbury School, presented by BGG Foundation! This event is designed for young people ages 7 to 16 and their families. Caregivers must be present with their child at the event. FREE.
Participants can experience:
* hands-on access to the newest PlayStation consoles and games
* an opportunity to learn about the growing field of esports, potential career paths available, and how gaming can lead to professional opportunities in the gaming industry
* exciting giveaways for PlayStation branded merchandise
* teamwork with peers
* collaborate with a vibrant gaming community
Throughout this drop-in event, parents and students can learn about Saint Louis Sudbury School, talk with current students and parents, meet Sudbury staff, board members, and volunteers, and tour our space. We are currently accepting mid-year enrollments.
The BGG Foundation CEO, Robert Powell III, said “With no coercive curriculum, Saint Louis Sudbury School’s unique approach to education allows students to engage in activities that spark their interest, making this gaming event a perfect fit for the school’s learning philosophy.” BGG Foundation’s mission is to empower youth through gaming.
About Saint Louis Sudbury School
Our school is based on the principle that we are born curious and learn best when we initiate our own learning. We offer fully child-led education for students age 5-18. Saint Louis Sudbury School students learn what they want, when they want, with whom they want, for as long as they want, to the depth of their interests, in the way that best suits them. With no coercive curriculum, homework, grades, or tests, Sudbury students have the freedom, space, and time to pursue their interests, discover who they are, and develop meaningful communication skills. All of this freedom to learn and to be is bounded by a structure where youth and adults work together to run the school. At Saint Louis Sudbury School, we prioritize young people’s well being, happiness, and ability to adapt to a changing world. We accept new enrollments year round.
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Why Saint Louis Sudbury School?
Families come to our school for many different reasons! These are some of the questions that current families have asked themselves before coming to Sudbury and during their process of enrollment. Is school avoidance a regular part of your family’s life? Are you seeing your child lose their love for learning? Are you looking for an alternative to the intensity of grades, homework, and focus on the future without living the present? Is your child over scheduled and unable to take the time to connect with peers in a self-structured way? Do you question what conventional schools call “soft skills” (communication, decision making, adaptability, critical thinking, conflict resolution, self-awareness, empathy, etc…) and that maybe such skills are “real life skills” or “durable skills” that are essential to being a happy human in our world? Do you want to trust your child to practice independence? Do you want to work towards trusting yourself?
About Robert Powell III, CEO of BGG Foundation
”Growing up as young black man from the city of St. Louis – I became a product of The St. Louis Public Schools System. I was inspired by my humble living conditions to carve a bright pathway forward. Through my trials, I developed a deep passion to help others & even more so to help others who look like me & grew up in similar circumstances because we had little to no resources.
My passion for giving back always blossomed throughout my career. Service to others is the underlying theme of my career. I worked in management for Sony PlayStation, I took initiative to utilize them for my philanthropy. Employees were allowed 1 work day annually for community service. The Day of Service at PlayStation sparked my idea to combine gaming with philanthropy in my own unique way. I decided to utilize gaming as a way to give back to the public schools in my city. I brought the newest gaming technology to these schools for all grade levels to enjoy. The kids’ excitement was clear and teachers took notice. I got the opportunity to bring gaming to different departments within schools from the board of education to parent teacher conferences. I have been fortunate enough to build countless relationships through the impact of gaming. Through these relationships, I have reached and mentored many kids and have shown them that they can become their greatest potential.
In time, I realized my purpose. My interest lies in giving back. I reached a crossroads. I decided to take the leap on my personal path and incorporate gaming into what I love. I can now whole heartedly pour myself into philanthropy without the feeling that I am doing it for the betterment of someone else’s dream. Realizing I wanted to do things my own way, I created The BGG Foundation.”