"Sudbury has been truly life changing for my child. Prior to starting at Sudbury, my child was stressed and anxious nearly every day before school and having meltdowns after school many days. All of that completely changed after starting at Sudbury. Now she is so well regulated, looks forward to going to school, and her confidence and ability to self advocate have transformed." -- Saint Louis Sudbury School parent

This holiday season, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help support Saint Louis Sudbury School’s tuition assistance program and general operating fund. Your contribution helps ensure that students throughout the St. Louis region have access to a unique educational choice—one that prioritizes young people’s well being, respect of self and community, communication and decision making skills, and ability to adapt to a changing world. Thank you for your generosity!

Triple your impact! If you donate by December 31, 2024, a Saint Louis Sudbury School family and corporate donor will match the first $1,800 in contributions.

Our school has made the choice to keep tuition accessible for as many families as possible (at $9,200 a year, our tuition is a fraction of what other private schools cost in the St. Louis region). In addition, over 60% of students at our school receive tuition assistance. The school has distributed over $40,000 in tuition assistance to families this school year.

Saint Louis Sudbury School is based on the principle that we are born curious and learn best when we initiate our own learning. We offer fully child-led education for students age 5-18. Saint Louis Sudbury School students learn what they want, when they want, with whom they want, for as long as they want, to the depth of their interests, in the way that best suits them. With no coercive curriculum, homework, grades, or tests, Sudbury students have the freedom, space, and time to pursue their interests, discover who they are, and practice navigating relationships and conflict resolution. All of this freedom to learn and to be is bounded by a structure where youth and adults work together to run the school.

We rely on talented and experienced volunteers, board members, young people, and partner organizations who donate their resources, time, ideas, and leadership, to keep this unique learning community thriving and open to a diverse group of families. We are deeply grateful for your support!

What Sudbury community members say:

"Since being at Sudbury, I have a better relationship with my parents, myself, and the people around me. I re-learned how to learn." — Saint Louis Sudbury School student

”I used to struggle heavily in public school environments. I got made fun of often and really didn’t do well with homework or tests, but here at Sudbury I’ve become more academically confident as well as more confident socially.” — Saint Louis Sudbury School student

"Sudbury trusts students to trust themselves." — Saint Louis Sudbury School student

"Sudbury has given me the space to find my real self." — Saint Louis Sudbury School student

”I personally find the Self-Directed Education aspect important and engaging. It allows me to learn what I want to learn at my own pace.” — Saint Louis Sudbury School student

”Sudbury School really uses young humans’ curiosity and eagerness to explore different subjects.” — Saint Louis Sudbury School student