Free to Learn
Are you ready for a school where young people experience the freedom of childhood, learn what brings them joy in life, practice navigating the messiness and love of a mindful community, and have the time and space to pursue interests that are meaningful and memorable? This is Saint Louis Sudbury School!
Based on and inspired by the original Sudbury model school (Sudbury Valley School in Framingham, MA) which was founded in 1968, Saint Louis Sudbury School believes that humans are born curious and learn best when we initiate our own learning. We offer fully Self-Directed Education for students age 5-18. With no coercive curriculum, homework, grades, or tests, Saint Louis Sudbury School students have the freedom, space, and time to pursue their interests, discover who they are, and develop life-long communication and decision making skills. All of this freedom to learn and to be is bounded by school rules and policies developed and maintained by the entire community. Young people and adults help run the school together!
At Saint Louis Sudbury School, life is learning and learning is life. We prioritize young people’s well being, happiness, and ability to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Learn More
Over half of the students enrolled at Sudbury receive tuition assistance. Please consider making a donation to help support our Tuition Assistance Program and general operating fund!
Sudbury schools are found around the world! Learn more about the philosophy and history of this model of education.
Learn about the steps in becoming a Saint Louis Sudbury School student. We are enrolling year round.